Due to COVID, our Morning Meet-Up program is currently on hold.
Please continue to check back for updated information.

Due to COVID, our Morning Meet-Up program is currently on hold.
Please continue to check back for updated information.
Resources of Hope stands with dedicated caregivers, providing unwavering support and essential resources to youth in foster & kinship care throughout Indiana.

Being a foster family has many challenges. Our Community Outreach Events share a common goal:
50% of foster parents "retire" after their first year or first placement.
Why? So many times it is because they don't feel supported.
It is our hope that through our events, we show foster families that they are not alone. Through supporting the family as a whole, our hope is they can continue providing for the foster children in their care longer, providing stability and reducing the need for a child to move between foster homes.
Hope for the Holidays
Saturday, December 7th, 2024
9am - 12pm
The first Saturday of December we hold our annual Hope for the Holidays event. 2024 will be our 7th year celebrating the holidays with foster/kinship families in Central Indiana.
AT our event we will enjoy pictures with Santa, a pancake breakfast, games, crafts & of course gifts!
We have been able to provide gifts and holiday fun for over 750 kids since 2018.

What is Recharge?
Recharge is a afternoon off for foster/kinship parents in our community. Our adult & high school volunteers provide fun, safe and engaging activities for your foster kiddos and other children in the home.
Recharge is currently available for kids ages 0 - 10 years.
Sunday, November 17th
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Greenwood Christian Church
2045 Averitt Rd.
Greenwood, IN 46143
Recharge is free and meant to provide exactly what the name states. Whether you need to get some shopping done, want a chance to clean the house or grab a late lunch with your sweetie, our volunteers are eager to help keep your foster kiddos entertained in a caring and energized atmosphere.

Foster Family Appreciation Picnic
Saturday, May 18th, 2024
10:00am - 1:00pm
New Hope Church
5307 W Fairview Rd Greenwood IN 46142
May is Foster Care Awareness month and we want to celebrate YOU, our communities amazing foster families that open your hearts and homes to kids in need. We hope you'll join us for this very loved event.
☀️ Yummy Food
☀️ Face Painting
☀️ Giveaways
☀️ Firetruck
☀️ Door Prizes
☀️ Games
☀️ Special 4-legged guests
☀️ And MORE!
Family Fun Day
Sunday, October 20th, 2024
Camp Allendale
4605 South Allendale Dr, Trafalgar, IN 46181
Rain Date

We hope you'll join us for our second Family Fun Day at Camp Allendale! Family Fun Day is FUN for the whole family! Camp Allendale is excited to join us in giving back to you, our foster & kinship families that give of yourselves so freely.
Lunch will be served at 1:00.
Self-lead activities including canoeing, fishing (must bring poles & bait), human foosball, kayaks, 9 square, volleyball sand court & more!
Guided actives including climbing wall, hayrides & more!
Cost is $25/family - we have a few scholarships available. Please contact Renae for more information: r.furnee@resourcesofhope.org
This is NOT a drop off event. This event is geared for whole family fun. We will not have staff on-hand to watch kids. You are responsible for your children throughout the entire event. Please email info@resourcesofhope.org with any questions.
Please register through the button below or here.