Due to COVID, our Morning Meet-Up program is currently on hold.
Please continue to check back for updated information.

Due to COVID, our Morning Meet-Up program is currently on hold.
Please continue to check back for updated information.
Resources of Hope stands with dedicated caregivers, providing unwavering support and essential resources to youth in foster & kinship care throughout Indiana.

What is Teen Connect & Why?
Teen Connect is a monthly collaboration of foster youth and adult volunteers. We meet together in a relaxed environment for fun, and fellowship. The goal of Teen Connect is inspiration, personal advancement and empowerment. We believe that these goals can be achieved through engaging activities and relationships with others in a positive atmosphere.

What do we do at Teen Connect?
A typical TC evening includes:
Having dinner together while introductions and "highs & lows" are discussed.
Engaging in a planned activity (See below for examples.).
Finishing with a Gift Card prize and 15 minutes of shopping in The Clothing Closet.
Who can attend Teen Connect?
Youth aged 12-17 currently in
Please contact Renae: R.Furnee@ResourcesofHope.org
Foster Care
Kinship Care
Guardianship Care